Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ethical dilemmas influence how almost every company makes decisions. While today the creation of a Company Code of Ethics is common, it is the actual implementation of said code where many corporations falter.

When planning for a crisis, it is important for a company to assess if some of their current practices could be viewed as unethical by consumers.

Looking into the fashion-house Marc Jacobs, I have begun to determine where possible ethical breaches may occur within the organization. As a manufacturer of clothing, purses, and accessories, Marc Jacobs has the potential of being linked with sweatshop manufacturing.

Issues similar to this have questioned the ethics of several big name corporations such as Nike, The Gap, and Ralph Lauren, and have had detrimental effects on the company. If such an issues were to be linked the the Marc Jacobs name, it would have to potential to cause serious harm to the image of the company.

Fortunately, Marc Jacobs has not been connected with these serious issues and has been able to protect its image as an ethical company whose main focus is on its customers!

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